Our Production process & Quality assurance
At Ropapharm International we manage the production process ourselves, from start to finish.
All Ropapharm International products are produced in our own factories.
Our oregano plants are all planted and harvested on our own fields in the Netherlands
We quality control and can thus guarantee a high and effective carvacrol level is all our oregano oil


Quality guarantee
Ropapharm International high quality products thanks to our dedicated staff and a solid quality system. The Quality Assurance department works continuously to maintain and improve our production processes.
Every year, various audits of the following organizations are carried out:
GMP + International BV, Secure Feed, the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) and Skal Biocontrole. This is in order to ensure that all EU regulations and laws are complied with. The result is a fully certified company and products that meet the highest standards.
Quality assurance & certificates
We guarantee high quality products and are compiant with the following (international) quality certificates.
Every year several external audits are carried out by the organizations listed below. This is in order to ensure that Ropapharm International complies all required regulations. The result is a fully certified company and products that meet the highest quality standards worldwide.
Please contact us for more information regarding our most recent quality certificates.

Ropapharm International implements the GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance (GMP+ FSA) certification scheme to guarantee high quality products. HACCP, feed safety limits, traceability and monitoring are examples of what has been integrated in this GMP+ FSA module. Our GMP+ certification number is GMP018073.
The Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) has also approved and registered Ropapharm International as an animal feed establishment according to Regulation (EC) No 183/2005 and Regulation (EC) No 767/2009. Our NVWA approved feed establishments number is aNL20976 and our NVWA registered feed establishments number is 19202.

The organic products of Ropapharm International are certified organic by Skal Biocontrole. Skal Biocontrole is an independent organization that monitors the organic chain in the Netherlands. Our Skal registration number is 023671.